The Manges Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents Teenage Bubblegums

Eccoci qua con l’ultima presentazione!
E’ stato un lavoro lungo e faticoso a cui ho dedicato davvero molto del poco tempo libero che ho a disposizione, ma è stato davvero un piacere promuovere con tutto me stesso questa uscita. Le sorprese non sono ancora finite e ancora bolle qualcosa in pentola, tenete quindi gli occhi aperti, campers!

Ultimi – ma non per importanza – ad essere intervistati sono i cari Teenage Bubblegums da Forlì; nonostante la giovane età dei 3 membri, sono una band che vanta ormai una carriera decennale, con 3 album e 2 split all’attivo, diversi tour in Europa e anche uno recente negli Stati Uniti.
Nel corso degli anni la band è riuscita a farsi apprezzare un po’ ovunque, creandosi una fanbase di tutto rispetto sicuramente contenta della partecipazione dei ragazzi al tributo dei Manges.
Mi son trovato quindi a scambiare due chiacchiere con Ally, cantante e bassista della band, che ci dice “I Manges sono una delle ragioni per cui abbiamo iniziato a suonare. Non hanno mai smesso di andare in giro o registrare, hanno fatto la storia ed è una storia enorme. Voglio dire, sono un grande simbolo di cosa è una vera band. Inoltre, suono anche nei Veterans con Andrea, posso dire quindi che siamo abbastanza vicini a loro“. Poche parole, ma dal significato chiaro: un’altra band nata sulle orme degli spezzini.
Ally continua dicendoci “Abbiamo scelto Stalag 17/ Good Morning Campers perchè è una delle canzoni più vicine al nostro sound, abbiamo preferito scegliere un brano con il suono più duro che melodico e questa canzone lo rappresenta“.
Dopo aver avuto modo di intervistare tutte le band del tributo, è sotto gli occhi di tutti che è emerso un senso comune di rispetto e di ammirazione che credo poche band possano vantare in Italia. Anzi, credo di non esagerare se dico addirittura nella scena punk rock mondiale.
Mi ritrovo quindi a chiudere nella stesso modo in cui è iniziato questa avventura: All Hail The Manges!




Info about Punk Rock Raduno

E’ sulla bocca di tutti ormai da tempo, quindi non servono grandissime presentazioni, sicuramente diffondere il comunicato ufficiale può aiutare a fare un po’ di chiarezza a chi ancora ha qualche dubbio o perplessità. 
La mia opinione è che sarà davvero una bella festa, oserei dire in famiglia. Tanti amici, tante band, tanta bella musica e i soliti accordi per quattro giorni. Non basta?
Nel nostro piccolo, stiamo cercando di dare il nostro contributo così unendo le forze con altre realtà come S.N.A.F.U., No Reason Records e Poison Heart ‘Zine (rip) abbiamo deciso di realizzare una fanzine in vecchio stile. Nessuna anticipazione – anche perchè siamo nel bel mezzo dei lavori – mi permetto di dire a nome di tutti che siamo davvero orgogliosi di come si sta evolvendo consapevoli che sarà davvero un bel “giornalino”. 
A quanto pare sono rimasti pochi posti liberi nell’ostello punk rock, quindi consiglio vivamente a chi avesse bisogno di un posto letto di prenotare. Concerto esclusivo e compilation del Raduno incluse nel prezzo. Mica male.
Otis Tours e present:
Punk Rock Raduno
July 14-15-16-17 2016 Edonè – Bergamo
Innovative, free admission, all ages, open to everyone and to all kinds of ideas. Andrea Caredda (the Manges, Veterans, Striped Music) and Franz Barcella (Otis Tours, Edonè, Radio BAM!) have spent a big part of their lives being active in the underground scene, and they are now working together on a new festival, based on the very simple concept:
“what if we bring together all the labels, distros, bands and artists of the International punk rock scene, in a single, open event?”
Not a single brand. Not built around a single name, or a star. Just a showcase, and a rally (“raduno”), for a part of the underground that never stopped being active, and also a great party that everyone is invited to join.
This is the first edition line up:
Thu July 14 2016 // WARMUPSHOW (20:00 – 24:00) 
MIDRAKE (Switzerland)
SUGUS (Spain)
MEGA (Italy)
Fri July 15 2016 // DAYONE (20:00 – 24:00) 
TOUGH (Italy)
VOLKOV (Italy)
Sat July 16 2016 // DAYTWO (15:00 – 24:00) 
MUGWUMPS (Austria)
Sun July 17 2016 // #FILLERDAY (12:00 – 20:30)
Chixdiggit! European exclusive gig for their 25th anniversary? Check!
Zatopeks celebrating their 15th? Check!
Jimmy Vapid playing The Vapids hits backed by the MugwumpsCheck!
Punk Rock Raduno will take place at Spazio Giovani Edonè in Bergamo, a multifunctional venue already known for underground events like Bergamo Sottosuolo, The Exhibition Night, Monster Zero Summer Mash, Vintage Roots Festival, Bergamo Reggae and more.
To help all the people that will attend from out of town (and out of Italy), taking advantage of the (very close) Bergamo international airport, and to create an original “festival experience”, the dedicated offer is #punkrockhostel In the event days, the high-quality Bergamo Hostel, located in Monterosso (10 minutes walk to the venue) will accept only the festival crowd and artists. Beside accommodation and breakfast, the guests will receive a copy of the Punk Rock Raduno compilation, gadgets, and access to an exclusive secret show that will take place in the hostel. It is still possible to book accomodation at:
The punk record labels that will take part in the first edition are Surfin’ Ki Records (Italy), It’s Alive Records (USA), Monster Zero Records (Austria), Striped Records (Italy).
They will have at least two bands of their roster playing at the fest, and they contributed to the release of a vinyl LP of the Punk Rock Raduno. 18 previosly unreleased or rare songs from the 18 bands composing the festival line up. The record will be available at the event, and hostel guests will get a free copy. And there is more: DJ sets, Ramones.World exhibit, merchandise and records vendors, the Punk Rock Raduno fanzine.
Edonè is also an excellent hangout for food&beverages lovers, with his choice of restaurant, pizzeria, burgers, cupcakes, Italian specialties, cocktail bar. The Sunday July 17 will be dedicated to a special edition of Filler, the Italian convention of skate/punk/hardcore/DIY art and illustration.
Discover more at

Special: Monster Zero Summer Mash

Hey punk-rockers! 
next weekend there will be the Monster Zero Summer Mash, we decided to make a special post, asking a couple of questions to all the bands involved. Here is the timetable (more info here) of the MZSM and the questions. Read and enjoy!
Friday 11th July
Teenage Bubblegums 20:30 – 21:00 (tiki stage)
Riccobellis 21:15 – 21:45 (tiki stage)
Tough 22:00 – 22:30 (Goomba stage)
The Apers 22:45 – 23:15 (Goomba stage)
23:30 – 02:00 AM Monster Zero DJ Set
Saturday 12th July
Ratbones 16:00 – 16:30 (tiki stage)
On My Arms 16:45 – 17:15 (tiki stage)
The 3 Slugs 17:30 – 18:00 (tiki stage)
The Nuts 18:15 – 18:45 (tiki stage)
The Bat Bites 19:30 – 20:15 (tiki stage)
The Griswalds 20:30 – 21:15 (tiki / Goomba stage)
The Mugwumps 21:30 – 22:15 (Goomba stage)
The Manges 22:30 – 23:15 (Goomba stage)
1 – Could you shortly present your band?                                                              
2 – What the Ramones mean for you?                                                                    
3 – What are your expectations from the Monster Zero Summer Mash?                                      
4 – Thanks for the answers, where we can listen your music? Could you give us your contacts? Gabba Gabba!



1 – We are The Manges from La Spezia, we play punk rock music, we released a good bunch of records and played with many of our favorite bands.
2 – They’re the greatest rock’n’roll band of all times and being fans of the Ramones made us who we are today.
3 – We’re gonna meet a lot of friends and watch them all perform cool shows.
4 –, thank you!


you can read a full interview with Kevin here.


1 – Hi! We’re THE MUGWUMPS!  We‘re Andi (drums), Hank (bass) and Chris
(guitar, vocals).
First Show on Halloween 2002! Since that we  did some records, been quite active and also very inactive! Especially between
2009 – 2013! We’re, geeks, collect records and we like to watch TV! But we’re  nice! Andi likes Metal!! Our music could probably best described as a mix of  Screeching Weasel and Head!!
2 – I think it’s pretty obvious that they mean a lot! Fav band of all 3 of us!!
3 – Pretty high temperature, meeting (old) friends, world cup talk and some bad jokes about my new haircut!! I really hope that there will be some people who enjoy our set!!
4 – You can listen to our music next Saturday at the MZSummer Mash!! We don’t have facebook, bandcamp etc. …but we have a  website: ! There  is some contact info and a  few mp3s! If you have any other questions,just drop us a line!!


1- Hi! We are Teenage Bubblegums, an Italian power punk rock trio since 2007. We all dress in black, playing fast, no stops and love songs only.
2- Are u kiddin’ me? Ramones saved our lives.
3- We are really happy to play again at the MZM. It’s a hell of party. You know, what happens at MZM stays at MZM.
4- You can listen our music at, and you can contact us at or at . See you at the mash, join us for aperitivo and get in the mood! Thank you for your questions. Really appreciate it.


1 – Hi guys, we are Tough from Piacenza\Milan, we play fast, straight and simple three chords punk rock.
2 – The Ramones mean life.
3 – We are so excited for the release of our brand new 7” called ”Obey the Ramones”, and we will play for the first time the new tunes. We wanna rock and we wanna party very hard!
4 – You can reach us on facebook and bandcamp, you will find our very beautiful stuff!!! 😉


1 – Us Griswalds are – Steve Legend on Guitar/Vocals, Ben Nuthink on Bass/Vocals and Daz Reject on Drums/Backing Vocals.  We’ve been doing this Ramones fast Punk Rock since 1995!
2 – The Ramones for me (Steve Legend) we’re who got me into what we often call Pop Punk.  Back when I was a teenager I was a bit of a Metaller but discovered the Ramones through their Loco Live album.  I just loved the simple catchy power they gave off with songs that you could sing along too but also go crazy too.  I also loved how they didn’t stop too!  I was lucky enough that I got to see them 3 times live and it was always amazing, would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as soon as they played The Good, The Bad and The Ugly before coming out and blowing everyone away!  We got to support Dee Dee back in 1996 too which was incredible.  From way back then I’ve just loved that 3 chord power “Pop” Punk.
3 – The Monster Zero Mash will be like all the others – Kick-Ass of course!!  Just a bit hotter cos it’s July and in Italy!  Whoop!
…and of course you can buy our newest LP through MZ!!
Thanks again, Legend!


1 – We are the Bat Bites. Creatures of the Night, all dressed up in black and white. We are villains of punk rock, play catchy tunes with a little bite. We love to party with our friends and dance and drink with them all night!
2 – The Ramones always have been a huge inspiration for us. We love them. It will always be our favorite band.
3 – We hope to hang out with many of our friends, see many good bands and enjoy some sun.
4 – Our first two EP’s are available on bandcamp. We have a new record coming out on the 5th of september.  There’s a teaser song for the album available on youtube.
You can always contact us through Facebook!
Cheers and thanks!
Merel 🙂


1 – We’re the Riccobellis, a punk rock band from Brescia Italy, deeply influenced by the Ramones and deeply in love with everything about punk rock.
2 – They just were, are and will always be the greatest band in the world.
3 – It’s gonna be a great weekend, so…  huge fun, wild party all night long and we’ll try to contribute to keep the Ramones spirit alive for these two days of punk rock madness.
4 – You can find our songs on youtube and . Thank you.


01 – Hi! We’re the Nuts!
Our band it’s formed by me, Vale (lead singer-bass), Davide (guitar- chorus) and Palmina (drums-chorus) Me and Davide are friends since a long time and used to play together some years ago in a never-known punk rock band called The Sockets. We never really gave up our will to put a band together so after meeting Palmina (ex Photogenics – Coco’s)  we thought to give ourselves a second try.. And..  Here we are!
02 – Well.. This surely will be the most obvious answer ever. They are the band I never get tired to listen to. They are the band that touches me the most. They were the first band who put together the coolest things that music can transmit: energy and powerfull mixed to catchy melody.. In their own and unique way. They are pure rock’n’roll. And of course my favourite band of all times.
03 – Honestly I don’t have any real expectation.. Except of course having fun and party with all the people down there! I personally love the MZM a lot and it’s one of my favourite event of the year.. I would have gone there anyway.. but since we are gonna play there too it’s gonna be even more fun!!
04 – You’ll be able to listen to us soon – not now unluckly – cause our first 7″ will be out after summer.. But just in case you want to hear us sooner.. Just come to Monster Zero Summer Fest! You can follow us on facebook at  or on twitter at


1 – We’re a punk rock band based in Venice. We’re together since 2011 and back in that year we recorded our first demo “Ready to Go“. Our sound is influenced by historical bands such as Ramones and Riverdales, but also by the more recent Teenage Bottlerocket.
2 – They are the best band of the world, we’re grateful to them. Every time we hit the stage we keep in mind the words of Dee Dee The Ramones saved my life. Without the Ramones would have died a million times“.
3 – We’re really happy to be part of this amazing festival. It doesn’t happen every week to play with the bands you love and party with them. we will do our best to make this festival epic.  The scene in Italy exists and is pretty cool, and is a huge opportunity to have the Monster Zero Mash in Italy this year.
4-Check us out here!
Our contacts are: or Ale: 347/0480236


1 – The command was officially founded in the back of a skate shop in 2003 by a group of three veterans of different wars fought during the 90s for peace, freedom and for the glory of the Ramones. Many fighters have come and gone in recent years, some have fallen on the field, other honorably discharged, today things are like this: Cap: Guitar and vocals, Andre Monelli Bass and 1-2-3-4, Pablo Ratòn: drums
2 – It is very hard to explain because the Ramones are an other plan than any other band but if I had to say it in few words I would probably say that they are dealing with something like “life is not so disgusting, you can always go home and put on leave home and say sayonara to all
3 – Social forums, petitions to save the whales, open debates, political forums, non alcoholic beer, posers and upstrokes guitars. Removed these things, we expect everything else.
4 – You can listen our stuff here and follow us through our facebook page, see you all sociopathics next weekend!
Cheers, Cap.


1 – We started playing few months ago. We are the first all filipino band who played punk rock here in italy.
2 – They are the GODS.
3 – To enjoy and have some fun playing rock n roll.
4 – Sorry. We have no records. Here is our facebook page


Teenage Bubblegums + Teenage Gluesniffers + Topper Harleys – 09.11.2012 – Live @ Arci Lo-Fi (MI)

Domenica sera. Freddo bestiale e tanta noia. Cosa c’è di meglio di un bel concerto dopo una abbuffata colossale alla fiera dell’artigianato?

Come nei migliori dei sogni, l’inizio del concerto è previsto tassativamente per le 21 in punto, solo che oltre a dimenticare la macchina fotografica (quindi niente foto della serata) arrivo clamorosamente in ritardo perdendomi il primo gruppo, i Topper Harleys.

Onestamente non li ho mai visti dal vivo e mi sarebbe piaciuto arrivare in tempo; SNAFU parla anche di un bel disco d’esordio, facendo aumentare quindi il mio rammarico.

Chiedo quindi a uno dei presenti di farmi un resoconto di quanto mi sono perso e mi scrive:

Posso dirti che avevano dei suoni ottimi e che hanno fatto una buona prestazione. Canzoni cantate un po’ da Manuel (voce monocorde, ma molto adatta al punkrock) e un po’ da Andre (voce a tratti troppo “epica”, ma non dissimile da quella di Luca Crummy Stuff). Ho riconosciuto una cover dei Chixdiggit, ma forse ne hanno fatte altre

Mi fido ciecamente, mi rode il culo ancora di più.

Arrivo giusto in tempo per l’inizio dei Teenage Gluesniffers.

A differenza degli altri concerti al LO-FI, questa volta si suona nella saletta d’ingresso/bar.

Ed è la seconda scelta azzeccatissima da parte del buon Giacomo Sensible! Il pubblico non è numeroso, ma si riesce comunque a creare una buona atmosfera per i soliti pochi intimi, nonostante la funerea presenza di qualche becchino vagante per il locale.

Contro ogni aspettativa, anche l’acustica è incredibilmente buona, ci sono quindi tutti i presupposti per divertirsi, faccio in tempo a scegliere il mio angolino che i ragazzi aprono le danze.

I Teenage Gluesniffers, mi sono piaciuti di più rispetto le ultime volte. Senza fronzoli e senza perdite di tempo, hanno fatto il loro onesto show di una mezz’oretta circa, suonando quasi tutti i pezzi del mini-album uscito recentemente Chinese Demography (consiglio di ascoltarlo e di comprare la cassettina totalmente DIY, viva gli anni ’90!), più altri della restante discografia.

Cambio veloce di palco, giusto il tempo di una rapida birretta, ed è il turno dei Teenage Bubblegums.

Terza tappa di un mini-tour che si concluderà la prossima settimana al Monster Zero Mash, i 3 giovani forlivesi hanno fatto uno show praticamente senza pause, diviso in 3 grandi “blocchi”.

Hanno spaziato su tutta la discografia e in particolare sul nuovo album, a memoria ricordo 3 A.M, Cotton Candy, Night At The Movies, Come Back Home, che tra l’altro sono le mie preferite. Il soldato Ame Bumpkin mi fa notare anche una cover dei Beatles, ma onestamente non l’avevo riconosciuta.

Creando uno storico e piacevole precedente alle 23:10, il concerto è già terminato.

Bella prova anche per loro, non li vedevo da quando furono in tour la scorsa primavera con i 20 Belows: li ho trovati decisamente migliorati e in ottima forma.

Altra birretta, si scambia ancora qualche chiacchiera con i pochi presenti rimasti e dopo aver acquistato il disco dei TB (presto ne parleremo!) felice e contento rientro a casa.

Bravi tutti e viva i concerti che iniziano alle 21!

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