Hello punkrockers! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas holiday! Thank you so much for the support you showed throughout 2024—it’s the driving force that keeps me going after 13 years, more convinced and determined than ever that I’m on the right path!
That’s why 2025 will bring many new releases, really important and, in my opinion, super cool! Let me start by introducing the first two.
The first one is actually a reissue: the 7″ Collection by the Beatnik Termites, which I originally pressed for their European tour with my Ratbones back in 2022. Needless to say, it sold out in no time, and given the ongoing demand, I thought a reissue was absolutely necessary before Discogs prices started skyrocketing to crazy levels.
The second record is the debut 7″ from the Spanish band The Crummies. I’ve talked about them extensively on social media, but it’s worth mentioning them here in the newsletter too. They’re a trio from Oviedo with a pedigree that commands respect—if you’re familiar with the Spanish scene, names like Fast Food, Pantones, and Feedbacks speak for themselves.
So, what can you expect from them? Nothing simpler and better than some pure ramonescore, just the way I like it: no frills, direct, and melodic.
Reputedly a personal fave of Nirvana’s KurtCobain, according to his post-mortem released diaries, Beatnik Termites don’t need any presentation. During their career they released many 7″s and have been part of several compilations. So why don’t collect all the best tracks in a confort and useful digipak cd compilation? So here we are with Collection 7″ a brand new release from I Buy Records Fiend Club! Special Thanks to Mr Gumbo at NEON BONE for the artwork. This is the 2nd press.
Leather Jacket? Check! Ripped Blue Jeans?Check! Dirty Old Chucks? Check! Guys in their +40s wearing nerd glasses? CHECK!!!! With a solid three-chord pedigree (Fast Food, Pantones and Feedbacks ring any bells?), these guys have cooked up four tracks you’re guaranteed to fall in love with. Once again, we’ve teamed up with our US pals at Mom’s Basement Records to bring you their 7″ debut. FFO: Riverdales, Ramones, Queers and questionable fashion choices. Two variants: Total Clear and Magenta Translucent, both limited to 100.
IBR is back with a new record. This time, it’s a band that’s a new addition to our label, and we’re talking about The Putz. For those who don’t know them, they’re a punk rock band from the American Midwest. Punk rock and the American Midwest might sound like flannel shirts and long beards to many of you, but this trio, going against the grain, plays a direct, no-frills, super melodic punk rock, just the way I like it.
“On And Up And Out” is a 7″ that contains 4 songs that fully represent the band’s style. Listen to them and form your own opinion. When good old Henry from Memorable But Not Honorable asked me if I was interested in co-producing the record, honestly, I accepted without thinking twice. And once I listened to it, I was even more convinced and happy to have contributed to the release of this 7″.
The reasons are simple: it’s a band I like – and that’s the main reason for me to produce a record (which in other words means putting up the cash) – and above all, it’s a band that works hard with tours and concerts all over North America. In the end, if the band doesn’t work hard and believe in themselves, why should I believe in them?
Another small digression: let’s talk about 7″s. It’s my favorite format but, let’s be clear, it’s now obsolete and prohibitively expensive for many. They used to be bought/sold easily for 5 euros, but in 2024 it’s impossible to maintain those prices. Many collectors complain – and they are absolutely right – but just do a little research and ask for some quotes to realize that selling a 7″ for 8 euros is an ethically correct price to balance the books as much as possible, without taking advantage of the enthusiasts who still support this small niche of punk rock.
I won’t go on any longer, but I recommend one last time to listen to the EP and form your own opinion, and if you want to support the band and the label, it wouldn’t hurt.
In partnership with Memorable But Not Honorable Records, we’re thrilled to announce the release of The Carmines highly anticipated album. I have absolute confidence in both the album and the band’s talent. Last summer, I had the pleasure of meeting Nate Roberts at Punk Rock Raduno, and he’s the coolest guy you could ever meet. He’s even promised to teach me how to surf next summer!
Let’s give a high-five to Nate and the entire band! Make sure to give the album a listen and consider buying the record if you enjoy it.
You can stream the entire album here:
The Carmines – Work Harder, Not Smarter available at:
In 2023, I have to admit that I Buy Records has not been very active. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, I changed jobs with new and many commitments, and the impact was not very easy, given that I had to start from scratch. However, in 2024, I must say it will be a very important year. I am working on various releases, a tour, and much more, so I commit to updating the website more frequently and also the news section, always related to my activities. Oh, I almost forgot. I have updated the record shop section. In addition to making the new Carmines album available, I have uploaded over a hundred new albums from the best American labels and lowered the prices of many albums. Take a look! Until next time!
Ho iniziato a leggere l’ultimo post sul sito ed è di Maggio scorso rendendomi conto che tutti i buoni propositi del 2022 sono andati a farsi fottere ancora una volta. Avevo promesso di essere più attivo sul sito, e puntualmente non l’ho fatto visto che sono passati “solo” 7 mesi dall’ultimo post. Ma alla fine, tranne me, non penso che qualcuno ne abbia sentito davvero la mancanza. Ormai i blog non se li caga più nessuno dato che i contenuti si sono ormai spostati su podcast, twitch, youtube. Magari un giorno mi aggiornerò anche io ma la vedo dura.
Se nel blog non sono stato attivissimo come label/distro e booking le cose sono andate decisamente meglio. Proverò a fare un breve recap di cosa si è fatto e vi metterò qualche link per l’ascolto/acquisto, così se vi siete persi qualcosa che vi interessa, c’è tempo per rimediare e supportare.
School Damage – Critical Excess
Con un groppo in gola devo dire che qui in Italia è un album che è passato un po’ troppo in sordina. I più attenti sapranno che è già la seconda release per IBR e spero con tutto il cuore che continueranno a fare parte della “family” a lungo visto che mi legano tantissimi ricordi a questi ragazzacci di Toronto. In alto trovate il link per ascoltare il loro album e farvi un’idea ma il loro sound è ben chiaro già dalle prime note: punk rock veloce e doloroso come un pugno in faccia, testi cupi e nichilismo a go-go. Ciliegina sulla torta, dal vivo vi spettinano e vi trapanano le orecchie.
New entry in casa IBR! Gli Young Rochelles sono un trio di Long Island, New York. Chiodo-Converse-Downstrokes, insomma sapete cosa aspettarvi: 4 pezzi al fulmicotone con tante ottime melodie e con i fratellini di NYC nel cuore. E’ davvero un piacere aver pubblicato questo 7″ in compagnia degli amici di Hey Pizza Records (US), Endless Detention Records (AU) e Dumb Records (JP). Questo tipo di distribuzione secondo me sono fondamentali per dare il giusto risalto a un disco quando non si hanno grossi mezzi a disposizione.
Non sono rimaste tantissime copie a disposizione, se siete interessati si può acquistare qui
Ratbones – Teenage Confusion And Adult Delusion
Faccio sempre fatica a parlare della mia band, ma ammetto che sono contento e orgoglioso del risultato finale ma soprattutto soddisfatto dei feedback ricevuti. E’ stato un disco nato e registrato nel bel mezzo della pandemia e, considerando le distanze che mi separano dagli altri ragazzi, non è stato proprio facile. Considerando il periodo storico, sicuramente è una storia comune per un milione di altre band, quindi kudos per tutti quanti. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare tutti gli amici che ci hanno sostenuto, il disco è sempre disponibile e loro trovate qui sia in CD che in LP.
Zoanoids / Proton Packs – Split
Che dire di questo split? Semplicemente magnifico! Due band che adoro e a cui sono legato particolarmente perchè rappresenta un po’ la mia visione dell’etichetta. Da una parte una band che ormai reputo dei fratelli e tra le persone migliori all’interno della “scena”, dall’altra una band che ho scoperto casualmente e che è stata una piacevolissima intuizione. Purtroppo, come molti sapranno gli Zoanoids si sono sciolti, ma se tutto fila liscio a Gennaio ’23 uscirà il secondo disco che è davvero fantastico.
In ogni caso anche questo split sta per terminare. Sono rimaste veramente una manciata di copie e lo potete trovare qui.
Ratbones – Ratbones
Questo è il disco d’esordio dei Ratbones uscito nel 2013 quando ancora non facevo parte della band e che vedeva una lineup diversa da quella attuale. Il cd prima stampa è ormai soldout da una vita ma abbiamo pensato bene di ristamparlo con Mom’s Basement aggiungendo una ghost track.
Anche la seconda stampa sta per terminare e la trovate qui
Beatnik Termites – 7″ Collection
I Beatnik Termites non hanno bisogno di presentazioni, dai. Scoperti da ragazzino ormai 20 anni fa, avere la possibilità di far uscire un disco per loro è stata una piccola ma enorme soddisfazione. L’idea di questa raccolta è nata, purtroppo, solo un paio di settimane prima del mini tour tra Spagna e Italia che ho organizzato per loro e ovviamente non ci sono stati i tempi tecnici per una adeguata stampa in vinile. Magari un giorno succederà, mai dire mai.
Inoltre colgo l’occasione per anticipare che tra Gennaio e Febbraio 2023, ci saranno due dischi in uscita, a breve vi darò maggiori dettagli.
E adesso che ho parlato dell’ attività come label, adesso passiamo al booking. La chiusura del Ligera, il nostro piccolo CBGB, purtroppo è stato un colpo durissimo. Trovare un posto adeguato per ospitare i nostri concerti in modalità sostenibile non è stato affatto facile ma con il Giambella Proud sono certo che con il tempo si potrà instaurare una nuova ed interessante collaborazione. Cosa si è fatto nel 2022? Poco ma lo riporto lo stesso:
Beatnik Termites/Ratbones : un fantastico ma complicatissimo mini tour in Spagna di 4 giorni. Tra un furgone rotto il giorno della partenza e casi di Covid nella “crew” nonostante tutto l’abbiamo portata a casa alla grande. Un grazie particolare ad Hormiga, senza di te non ce l’avremmo mai potuta fare. Da segnalare anche la partecipazione dei BT al Punk Rock Raduno, a mio avviso uno dei concerti più fighi di tutto il festival.
Stinking Polecats: primo concerto a Milano post reunion dopo oltre 20 anni. E’ stato il primo concerto al Giambella Proud Live, non proprio facile ma sicuramente divertente. In apertura si sono esibiti Massilanciasassi (già frontman dei Leeches) e i Panamas che vi consiglio di tenere d’occhio.
DeeCracks/Ratbones: un piccolo weekend tra Milano e Castiglione delle Stiviere con i cari austro/svizzeri. Suonare al Dallò è un’esperienza mistica ed è probabilmente uno degli ultimi posti caldi e accoglienti di tutto il Nord Italia.
Cosa bolle in pentola per il 2023? Al momento nulla, ma appena si allineano i pianeti come dico io, qualcosa si muoverà. Promesso.
Adesso parliamo dei miei album preferiti del 2022. Premetto che escluderò a priori qualsiasi mia release e parlerò solo di full length. No reissue, no EP, no compilation, no live album, no cover album, no acustici. Non si tratta di una classifica e l’ordine è praticamente casuale seguendo la mia playlist di Spotify Punk Rock 2022 (che trovate qui sotto).
Sangue – 13 Pezzi: non sono un grande ascoltatore dell’ HC, ne ascolto poco ma solo quando mi acchiappa immediatamente. Porca miseria questi sono 13 turbo pezzi che ti stendono al primo istante e che trasudano di cuore, attitudine, e sudore. In fondo in fondo la Sardegna non è così lontana da NYC.
Christian Blunda – Funky Punks in Space: Per chi non lo conoscesse, lui è il cantante dei Mean Jeans. Questo disco a mio avviso non ha avuto il giusto risalto. Non aspettatevi di certo un disco dei MJ: qui parliamo di una sorta di synth-punk rock dalle venature ’80s fatto davvero molto bene. Non ci credete? Ascoltatevi Inside a Black Hole o Vortex: pezzoni clamorosi!
Sack – Ripper! : I Sack sono un vecchio progetto di Kody dei Lillingtons/TBR rispolverato dopo anni e che vede adesso coinvolti Ray Rocket e praticamente i Bricheros (gruppo peruviano/del Colorado molto fico). Ad anni di distanza, sparano fuori un disco niente male, punk rock fino al midollo. Non sono i Lillingtons, né i TBR ma hanno una propria personalità. E proprio per questo che perdono a Kody la canzone “I hate the Beach Boys“.
Stinking Polecats – ST 2022: Dopo vent’anni gli SP si sono riformati (a dire il vero ci fu una reunion nel 2014 leggi qui il report) e hanno pubblicato un album molto figo. Il tempo è passato ma il talento è rimasto intatto. Promosso a pieni voti, potete acquistarlo qui
Screeching Weasel – The Awful Discolosures of: In una fase estremamente prolifica Ben Weasel sforna un nuovo album a distanza di soli 2 anni. Ad essere onesto, ho preferito il precedente Some Freaks of Atavism forse perchè più immediato all’ascolto ma anche qui il livello è molto alto. Se siete fan delle donnole sicuramente non resterete delusi (prima stampa disponibile qui).
The Manges – Book Of Hate For Good People: Se il punk rock made in Italy è motivo d’orgoglio per tutti noi, grande merito è dei veterani di Las Pezia che continuano a sfornare a distanza di tanti anni ancora album di altissimo livello. High On Stress e Red Flags probabilmente sono tra i loro pezzi migliori di sempre.
Suzi Moon – Dumb & In Luv: Devo essere onesto, nonostante ne abbia sentito parlare spesso ho spesso ignorato colpevolmente Suzi. Ex Civet e Turbulent Hearts, ha sfoggiato davvero un gran bell’album. Ho visto anche qualche video su youTube e sembra che anche dal vivo spacca i culi a 3/4 delle band in giro, mi piacerebbe davvero vederla da queste parti. Ascolto vivamente consigliato.
OFF! – Free LSD: Altro disco che è un bel pugno in faccia. Il caro Keith Morris, invece di godersi la meritata pensione del punk e crogiolarsi sul suo glorioso passato, è ancora lì fuori a sfornare dischi incredibili e dare lezioni di punk hardcore a tutti quanti.
Brad Marino – Basement Beat: Anche qui, una piacevolissima sorpresa e anche qui un’artista che ho sempre un po’ trascurato colpevolmente. Disco ramonescore al 100% ma fatto con cognizione di causa. I giri, le melodie e i trick del genere ci sono tutti, ma questo disco è l’esempio che se sei bravo, puoi anche non cadere nella banalità del clichè. Ancora pochissime copie disponibili qui
Expulsados – El Laberinto de Neblina: E’ storia risaputa che i Ramones in Sud America sono venerati come divinità e gli Expulsados ne sono un po’ il simbolo. Cantassero in inglese, potrebbero essere paragonati tranquillamente agli Huntingtons in overdose di Mondo Bizarro. Se amate il ramonescore amerete anche questo disco, da ascoltare piacevolmente mentre si sorseggia del mate.
The Windowsill – Focus leggenda narra che pubblicare questo disco è stata una fatica immensa. Tra pigrizia, covid e scazzi vari sono passati 5 anni dall’ultimo album e devo dire che l’attesa è stata ben ripagata. I pezzi scorrono via piacevolmente a conferma che Marien è tra i migliori songwriter in Europa per il nostro genere.
The Young Hasselhoffs – Life Got In The Way immaginatevi i Beach Boys un po’ tristi, con la chitarra un po’ distorta, non più tanto Young e sbarazzini e forse un po’ troppo maturi: lo scenario detto così non è proprio tra i più invitanti ma se ascolterete il disco sono certo che rimarrete affascinati dalle ottime melodie che dopo un paio di ascolti ti si appiccicano in testa (disponibile qualche copia qui).
Per adesso è tutto. Ci risentiremo a breve quando avrò qualcosa da dire.
Hey Hey! IBR is not dead, I’m just working hard behind the scenes. I’m basically too busy with work and personal life to update the website, but IBR is still alive and I’m pushing very hard to back on tracks with all the plans I had just before the pandemic.
I’m also ready to announce a very nice tour that we had to postpone twice for obvious reason. It seems like we’re slowly going back to our lives, but damn, let’s stay careful.
Anyway, we have not one, not two, not three but 4 fucking releases coming out this month! I’m very happy to have been involved with these bands as they truly represent the meaning of two simply words: P-U-N-K R-O-C-K.
First album comes from my band Ratbones (follow in case you don’t!) and it’s called Teenage Confusion and Adult delusion. We really worked very hard and I hope you guys are gonna like it. It’s gonna be released together with the help of the mighty Mom’s Basement Records. Bandcamp/CD release day is May 20. Unfortunately, the vinyl release is a little postponed but it should be ready around late June. I’m gonna setup a preorder very soon so you can get it as soon as it’s available. Can’t wait, amigos!
More details are coming from the other 3 releases, just stay tuned. In the meanwhile, two more albums are available from the worst store on the web (click here):
and don’t forget we have still copies of School Damage new album, it’s still damn hot!
I’ll try to update the website as much as possible, but I won’t make any promise. If you wanna get in touch, just reach me through the social media where I’m a little more active.
When the band started? We started in 2010 I think. We’ve gone through a lot of drummers since. And two guitar players. But we’ve been lucky enough to play in several countries, see some cool shit and drink their alcohol.
Could you please tell us which are your main musical influences ? When we first started we were definitely influenced by the Riverdales and Lillingtons. Now we’re a bit more fluid with how we write songs. We don’t really follow that Ramones Core structure anymore. A lot of bands do that style of music better than us anyway.
You played at PUNK ROCK Raduno in Bergamo in 2017. Im terribly sorry I must admit I’ve missed your set. How do you found playing @EDONE’ in Bergamo and how was your Europe tour? Do you have some funny stories to tell us about? You missed our set?! Haha, it’s okay man. We were on pretty early in the day. That was a lot of fun. Endless beer, great bands and everyone is so friendly. We’ve done a few festivals but the Raduno is up there as one of the best. It’s a different vibe than North America. Way more chill. I got pretty drunk on the last night and fell in a Rose Bush on the way back to the hotel and got cut up pretty bad. I have scars from that. As for the European tour, it was great. We definitely annoyed those Ratbones guys who we toured with. We got really hammered in Austria and woke up at the German Border with illicit substances on us. That sobered us up pretty quick. Luckily they didn’t have the dogs out.
Do you like and do you want to tell us about other good bands from your area? You’re from TORONTO right? Have you ever heard about Vincenzo Esposito? He’s an Italian basketball. player that played in TORONTO RAPTORS around 1995, he was such a pioneer speaking about italian basketball!! Toronto has definitely had some incredible bands. I’m proud of being from Toronto because of our music history is so rich. We’re one of the pioneering place’s for punk rock! Unfortunately a lot of my favorite bands from here have broken up, but Brutal Youth are probably my favorite and they’re good friends of ours since day one. Teenage Head and the Vapidsare incredible bands too, but they’re not from Toronto. They’re from the neighboring city called Hamilton. I’ve been to several Raptors games but I’m not Huge basketball fan so I’m not familiar with that player. The Raptors would have just started in 1995 and I was 12. I was too busy jacking off and listening to my shitty CD’s.
CANADA is great for PUNK ROCK music, I’m thinking about CHIXDIGGIT, my favourite Canadian band, and PKEW PKEW PKEW..another great band i had the opportunity to see before the pandemic. So what’s the magic, the magic glue, that make Canada have so many great bands? Funny story. I recently found a flyer where Pkew Pkew Pkew actually opened for us. But obviously they’re very successful now as well as very nice dude’s and a great band. We’ve played with Chixdiggit a few times too and they’re also great guys. I love KJ. I always say he’s the nicest guy in punk. He can tell you a story about me if you ever get a chance to talk to him. I don’t know what it is about Canada. Maybe it’s the long winter’s. But Italy has some incredible bands, too so don’t sell yourself short.
Which place do you like to play more? I mean when things will be ok again do you wonder about going on tour? Do you think about something to promote the new record? I can’t fucking wait to go back on tour. We had a tour with Lone Wolf through Canada but of course it got cancelled due to COVID. It’s weird putting album out during a pandemic because there’s no other way of promoting it besides online. We can’t even play the new songs live. But we’re very thankful Andrea from I Buy Records and John from Mom’s Basement are helping us put this new album out. Hopefully we can tour America and Europe again. I love the unpredictability of touring other countries.
Do you know and do you listen to some bands from Italy? Yes! Ratbones, Livermores (RIP Manu), Mega, Proton Packs, Teenage Bubblegums. The Ratbones and Jimmy Vapid have shown me a lot of great Italian bands and we’ve been fortunate to play with some of them.
Another question about Canadian bands..do you guys like the Weakerthans? It’s a band Ive see a couple of times live and that really impressed me alot. I can honestly say I haven’t listened to them very much. I’ve seen them live once and think John Samson is a great song writer but never fully got into them. I really liked the era of Propaghandi when he was in the band still.
So speaking about your new album, could you tell us something more about the lyrics and the ideas behind it? Lyrically I feel it’s darker than any other album we’ve done. Jon, our bassist, called them depressing. But he’s right. The songs I contributed are kind of depressing but there’s also a bit of hope in there as well. I’m a depressed person so that’s what you get. We’re older now so it’s more of a mature album. No joke songs it anything. It’s our first album with Dennis Lee, our new drummer. I don’t think he likes me very much but I like him.
Do you find yourself great playing as a TRIO? We’ve been a 4 piece off and on but I am happy with being a trio. But at times I miss a second guitar covering up for my mistakes.
Last question..Do you have any message for your Italian fans? We have Italian fans?! Well, I just want to say that we can’t wait to go back there and we are probably going to hug and share a beer with every single one of you when this is all over and we can visit Italy again. Also, Italians are also the most attractive people in the world.
Thanks a lot for your time, please also If you’d like say something funny that you know in italian 🙂 We will mention it on the radio show for sure! 🙂 Thanks Tommi! My Italian is terrible so when we were at Punk Rock Raduno the bartender wouldn’t give me a beer until I pronounced it properly. We also call things that are cool “tight” in North America but in Italy you don’t have an expression like that so we were calling things “stretto” which obviously makes no sense to anyone else in Italy but it was funny to us. We were definitely dumb tourists.
AVEM in Latin means BIRD. And their songs are only about birds: the thing itself is quite bizarre but funny that it intrigued me enough to go deeper. I must say that they are good. And if they have received the blessing of Jimmy “Maestro” Vapid, it means that it is worth knowing them a little more. And who could interview them if not the most famous ornithologist of the italian scene, mr. Tommi GB aka Il Gabbiano from Radio Eustachio? Please a warm welcome to Tommi, a great dude that will entertain you with cool interviews!
When the band started ?
Avem has been around since the end of 2017, when three old friends from high school got together to play some of the old songs we used to jam. That quickly morphed into writing a new song or two, and when we were outside smoking weed considering what to write lyrics about a huge woodpecker started pounding on a nearby tree. The thought of singing about birds came to mind, and that’s what led us to start singing about birds! We’ve added another guitar player since that time, and are on our third drummer so lots has changed since the initial band started!
Could you please tell us which are your main musical influences ?
Well we obviously hate the Ramones LOL jk!!!! We all grew up listening to punk rock and ska of all kinds. We were teenagers in the 90s and early 2000s so it was a lot of Fat Wreck and Epitaph bands. I’d say some big bands for Morry (guitar player) and myself these days are Teenage Bottlerocket, The Manges, The Hextalls, Giant Eagles, The Queers, Windowsill, DeeCracks, Teenage Bubblegums, NOFX. Anything Dan Vapid, anything Jimmy Vapid, Mr T Experience, Weakerthans, Louis Armstrong. Swing music of the 20s-50s. Been listening to a lot of The Beths and Jagger Holly lately too. Don’t forget the Groovie Ghoulies. OH and The SUCK‘s new album kicks ass. Haha we could go on and on. All of these bands do cool little things or write cool songs that inspire us to write the songs we do.
Speaking about influences for sure you love talking about birds in your songs, please tell us something more about this
Birds are so rad. Some of my earliest memories of being a kid living on a farm are all the cool birds that used to come to our feeder. What’s so cool about birds is that the more you learn about them, the more you learn that there are so many species that are incredibly different, and it’s amazing what they do to survive. For example a 3g hummingbird flies over the Gulf of Mexico 1300-1800km IN ONE FLIGHT every single migration. That is twice a year this tiny little thing flies across a massive body of water, for reasons humans still don’t entirely understand. Some birds dance, some birds mimic, some birds simply survive. There are a lot of similarities you can find between birds and how they behave/what they have to go through and humans, so we like to talk about birds themselves, and human life experiences as told through the perspective of birds.
Do you like and do you want to tell us about other good bands from your area?
Oh man I don’t want to do any of them a disservice because there are so many that work so hard and kick ass! School Damage is one that comes to mind but you might have heard of them already 😉 If I had to name 3 local bands they’d be in no particular order: Hangtime, Busm, Mad Murdocks.
My favourite Canadian band are the Chixdiggit! I had the opportunity to see them live here in Italy. I can tell I was also really impressed by the Creeps when Andre from IBR bring them to punk rock raduno. I went in tour as a roadie with Andre and his band The Ratbones…They told me great things about their Canadian tour, about Jimmy Vapid and alot of other cool things. Ah man also i saw 3 years ago the band PKEW PKEW PKEW that are really good… So what’s the magic, the magic glue or powder that make Canada having so many great bands?
Oh man I remember seeing Chixdiggit! with Kepi Ghoulie playing bass for them. I’m surprised their hips don’t break, their power stances are so low awesome. I also interviewed KJ once for a friend’s blog, MusicSheBlogged (what up Sarah Litt!) What’s the magic, you ask? I’d have to ask the same thing about Italy!!! There are some fucking amazing bands coming out of Italy that just blow my mind and I wish they’d come over here to Canada! Maybe because there are a lot of Italians that live in Canada? I’m going to go with that answer.
Which place do you like to play more? I mean when things will be ok again do you wonder about going on tour?
So far we’ve only really played in our home province, in the south side. Toronto at Bovine Sex Club is an awesome place, there was a bar called The Foxx Lounge & Hotdoggery that kicked ass north of Toronto, and an AWESOME place in the suburbs in the basement of a restaurant called Rotilicious. That place kicks so much ass. In terms of where we want to play, we’d love to come across the ocean and play in Italy, Holland, Austria, Germany, France, Europe in general. There are just so many kickass bands in Europe and the scene seems so cool, we would consider our lives complete doing a tour across Europe that ends up at Punk Rock Raduno.
Do you know and do you listen to some band from Italy?
Another question about Canadian bands..do you guys like the Weakerthans?
Fuck yeah. They’re such a great band, I really hope they get back together and make another album. Their lead singer John. K. Samson is brilliant and he kicked ass when he was in his old band Propagandhi (who also still kick so much ass)
So speaking about your EP, how does the idea of doing a split with COBRA&THE DAGGERS came up?
We’ve known those two for a very long time and are dear friends of ours. They had recently moved across the country and sent us some songs they had done together just for fun, and we thought they kicked ass! We asked if they wanted to do a split digital release with us, as their songs needed to be shared with more than just close friends. We’re super stoked with how the EP turned out, and I absolutely love their songs.
Are you planning a full lenght album soon?
We’ve been working on a full length for quite some time now, we’ve got probably close to 15 songs that nobody has ever heard before. With the world being different than it was a year ago it’s been tough for us to get together and practice, it’s also tough to get studio time. We’re still working at that, but in the meantime we’ve recorded a couple new songs with Jimmy Vapid that will be coming out one of these days. Qualcuno ci invita a Raduno così possiamo festeggiare e insegnarti gli uccelli, cazzo sì! OR one I actually use regularly, Manache! hahahaha
Hello punkrockers, times are tough but here I am to cheer you up. Together with the nice fellas at Punk Rock Raduno and Mr. Nate at Hey Pizza Records we are gonna release two live albums by two super bands: The Creeps from Canada and DeeCRACKS from Austria.
Both bands don’t need presentation and they are with no doubt between the people I love the most in our scene, so glad I can call friends. Preorders open NOW, release day is 2nd April for both. Each label involved will have an exclusive color, as much as you can, please support each part involved.
If you already pre-ordered the debut album of this incredible band from Michigan you should have received an email regarding the late. Because of the Covid and the Brexit the parcel coming from the USA is still trapped in UK. I tried my best to push for a quick delievery but there’s nothing I can do except waiting. And hoping. The courier just said so. So I do. Just in case you are tired of the long wait, just drop me a line and we’re gonna work it out. There are few copies still available before the sold-out. I would say tenish. …and if you’re still not familiar with the band you can listen to their debut album on bandcamp.
Who are your favorite bands to play with at shows? We always have a blast with the guys from The Livermores, Chromosomes and Ratbones! Speaking of foreign bands, last year we played with the Haermorrhoids from Germany in Siena and it was really a cool show!
Tell us your favorite memory of Manu Livermores? He was such a sweet guy, one of those people who are really pure at heart. He was truly passioned about punk rock… a real rock n roller. Our favorite memory of him is all the times he sent us funny vocal messages with his heavy accent about new albums or about stuff that had happened in the scene. He really knew how to cheer you up! We will all miss him a lot.
What do you think about the current state of punk rock?
We think underground punk rock is as healthy as it’s ever been, in terms of new albums and hype surrounding it. There are a few crucial factors that have contributed in the last years to this new interest in the scene: cool festivals like Raduno, Puke Fest, The Fest and so on, dedicated podcasts like The Dummy Room, exciting labels like Mom’s Basement, I Buy Records, Striped, Badman, Stardumb, Hey Pizza, Monster Zero and many others that keep putting out cool records. Also a lot of people from the old guard still believing in it. There are a few new bands coming up too, so we think it’s safe to say punk rock is doing fine, at least in our specific bubble. The problem we see is that touring has become increasingly more difficult and less profitable. It’s almost impossible to make a living off playing punk rock and this will affect the new generation, as there probably won’t be the right environment to generate new “higher level” bands. I’m not talking about the next Green Day, but the next Teenage Bottlerocket or even the next Lillingtons. We also need to factor in what will be left of clubs and bars and of live music in general after Covid. We have a big question mark ahead of us.
What is your favorite project that you’ve been a part of? Every album we do is special to us because it’s really exciting to see a project coming to life and becoming real and tangible as you go ahead: the artwork, shaping the songs, sequencing them, going to the studio etc. We really love this process! Besides the albums, we loved working on the “Party time for astronauts” split with The Livermores That split is a memento of our time with Manu and we will always cherish it.
What made you guys want to organize Lobotomy Fest? In the past years we never played too much in Tuscany, because we always preferred to go play around northern Italy, where most of the scene is. Then, a couple of years ago we started talking with the guys from Corte dei Miracoli who run an amazing multicultural space in Siena and we saw that there was the chance to organize something punk rock-related there. It all started like a one night-only event, but it soon turned out to be a much more inclusive project that spanned 5 whole days with movie screenings, art happenings, book readings and many many bands. We had so much fun doing it that we decided to replicate it this year. Unfortunately, Covid put everything to a halt, but we are determined to make it work again, when things will smooth out with the virus. We had big projects for this year.
What are some bands that you want to play Lobotomy Fest? We like to dream big and we always nurtured the idea of having the Lillingtons play! Nowadays it seems things aren’t too good with those guys, but we also love Sack very much and it would be awesome to have them play over here! Anyway, 2021 is already lined up, because we want to have all the bands that were scheduled to play in 2020 to play the next edition!
What is your writing process? How do you guys pick a topic and then write such great concept albums that are cohesive as they are fun to listen to?
We always start with a concept that we all like and we try to convey the mood of the album in that direction, both musically and lyrics-wise. We also have a very long working list of kick-ass song titles, which we often use as a stepping-stone to begin working on a new tune. Actually, we consider Space Opera our only true concept album, because it has a single storyline from start to finish. Conspiracy ’66 and P A R A D O X are all centered around a specific theme and topic but the songs themselves are not necessarily related. We like to write about conceptual and specific stuff because we’re not versed in the trivial side. A lot of bands are really good at the girl-songwriting thing and we love to listen to those bands. It’s just not something that works for us specifically. I think our approach to lyrics and themes is a nice thing for the more dedicated fan (given that we have any :D) because the songs contain a lot of references that can be researched and linked to one another.
What other projects or bands do you guys have going on? Brodie and El Leon Blanco play in The Thirtysevens. They’re great, check them out! Alex and Brodie manage Commando Records and lately they’ve been putting out cool cassettes like the first Sack album and the latest MEGA LP. So cool! Matt plays in Bentoniac (garage blues) and I Diavoli Blu (country folk).
As you may know, last summer our beloved Manu “Nisba”, guitarist of the Livermores died tragically. Dismay and sadness are what we still feel since that damned day, but somehow we all need to move on. Manu’s beloved family has set up a fundraiser in his memory. For those who don’t know, Manu was a support teacher for disabled children, and his family wants to reconcile the two things that Nisba had most at heart: helping those in need, and music.
Below is a brief joint press release from I Buy Records / Livermores / Proton Packs:
Today, in collaboration with the Ass. Qui ed Ora Osimo, is born a music therapy project in the name of Emanuele for children with disabilities. Thanks to music, it’s possible to break the walls of isolation and silence. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of The Livermores CDs, LPs, and t-shirts will be donated to this cause. For us, and for his family, it’s a way to convey a message of hope. It also provides concrete help to those who need it, in continuity with the work that Emanuele carried out with great dedication and passion. For more information, you can write to Qui ed Ora Osimo. For donations, there are two options:
REGISTRY: Qui Ed Ora ADDRESS: Via Michelangelo 116/8 LOCALITY: Osimo 60027 (AN) IBAN: IT95 K085 4937 4900 0000 0401 033 BIC : ICRAITRRF90 BANK : Banca di Filottrano – Credito Cooperativo (Filiale di Osimo)
This is just the beginning. Manu is no longer among us, but his memory will remain alive forever in our hearts. Thank you all.
Come sapete, la scorsa estate tragicamente il nostro amato Manu “Nisba”, chitarrista dei Livermores è venuto a mancare. Lo sgomento e la tristezza regnano sovrani da quel maledetto giorno ma in qualche modo è necessario andare avanti, così l’adorata famiglia di Manu ha istituito una raccolta fondi in memoria. Per chi non lo sapesse, Manu era un’insegnante di sostegno per bambini disabili e il desiderio della famiglia è stato proprio di conciliare le due cose che più aveva a cuore Nisba: aiutare i più deboli e la musica.
Di seguito un piccolo comunicato congiunto I Buy Records/Livermores/Proton Packs:
Da oggi in collaborazione con l’Ass. Qui ed Ora Osimo nasce un progetto di Musicoterapia a nome di Emanuele per bambini con disabilità, grazie alla musica si puó riuscire a rompere i muri dell’isolamento e del silenzio. Tutto l’incassato di ogni singolo cd, t-shirt o LP a nome “The Livermores” verrà devoluto in beneficenza. Per noi e per la sua famiglia è un modo per veicolare un messaggio di speranza e dare un aiuto concreto a chi ne ha bisogno in continuità con il lavoro che Emanuele svolgeva con grande dedizione e passione. Per maggiori informazioni potete scrivere alla pagina Qui ed Ora Osimo. Per le donazioni, ci sono due opzioni:
ANAGRAFICA: Qui Ed Ora INDIRIZZO: Via Michelangelo 116/8 LOCALITA’ : Osimo 60027 (AN) IBAN: IT95 K085 4937 4900 0000 0401 033 BIC : ICRAITRRF90 BANCA : Banca di Filottrano – Credito Cooperativo (Filiale di Osimo)
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