Ci sono tante band, soprattutto in Italia, che per diversi motivi non riesce a raggiungere la popolarità che merita: vuoi perchè non è mai stata considerata una priorità per i componenti, vuoi perchè si commettono errori di percorso, vuoi perchè non si baciano i giusti culi o che ne so… per mistero.
Tra queste band, metto senza dubbio i
Chromosomes. Non ho il talismano che mi dica il perchè, resta il fatto che a distanza di 20 anni, con la “
stessa vecchia passione” degli esordi la band guidata dal buon Massi torna con un nuovo disco
Yes, Trespassing che già dal primo ascolto ti acchiappa con disarmante facilità.
Ma andiamo per ordine. Il disco, esce lo scorso 14 Ottobre dopo ben 7 anni dall’ultimo LP (nel mezzo un paio di 7” e una raccolta), al momento solo in CD, grazie a una co-produzione firmata
Inconsapevole Records e
Waterslide Records (eh, si..bisogna andare in Giappone per farsi notare!grrr); il bel disegno in copertina è opera di
Loris ex-bassista della band che per festeggiare il 20ennale insieme con l’ex-batterista
Ale viene coinvolto in una reunion della primissima line-up per incidere il brano,
Same Old Passion.
Chi conosce i Chromosomes sa già cosa aspettarsi da questo nuovo lavoro: un sound fresco e surfeggiante, coerente con gli esordi ispirati ai meglio Green Day (sia chiaro, prima che iniziasse l’abuso di ciuffi ed eyeliner) e sempre più contrario al sound moderno pulito e patinato delle band di nuova generazione.
Si parte quindi con una tripletta da urlo Siesta Forever-Pure Surf-I’ve Forgotten To Love: è un ottimo mix di melodie, velocità e coretti praticamente perfetto per rubare la mia attenzione. E il resto del disco prosegue su questa falsa riga, senza mai risultare noioso o ripetitivo, alternando pezzi più soft come My Dad Is A Skater o la semi-ballad She’s All Right con pezzi dal testo più riflessivo come la “falsa-allegra” Finger On The Trigger (Massi, voglio una spiegazione!). Chiusura bomba con la già citata Still The Same Old Passion (il mio pezzo preferito!), My Golden Isolation ( già presente nello split con i finlandesi Tarjas) e l’inno festaiolo Don’t stress it’s a mess.
E’ un disco che continuerò ad ascoltare ad oltranza e sono certo che non passerà inosservato a tutti gli amanti del
Punk Rock Made in Italy, che la vecchia
Flower Punk Compilation rese celebre anche fuori dallo Stivale.
Non posso che consigliarvi di procurarvi il cd. Contattate la
band, le labels oppure lo
Striped Punk Rock Shop: insomma non avete scuse!
There are many bands,
especially in Italy, that for many reasons can’t reach the popularity
they deserve, either because it has never been considered a priority for
the components, either because you make mistakes along the way, or
because you don’t want to kiss the right asses, or I don’t know …
maybe it’s a mystery.
Among these bands, I have no doubt that one of them are The Chromosomes.
I don’t have the talisman that tells me why, but there is the fact that
they remain after 20 years, with the “Same Old Passion“, the beginnings
and spirit of the band led by Massi are back with a new album Yes, Trespassing that grabs you from the first listen with disarming ease. But let’s order. The album, out the last 14th October 7 years after the
last LP (in the middle a couple of 7” and a collection) , currently
only on CD, thanks to a co-production signed by Inconsapevole Records and Waterslide Records (oh yes .. you have to go to Japan to get
noticed! grrrrr ), the beautiful design on the cover is made by Loris
ex-bassist that to celebrate the two decades of the band being together,
and the ex-drummer Ale also got involved in a reunion of the very first
line-up of The Chromosomes to record a song, Same Old Passion. Who knows The Chromosomes already knows what to expect from this new
record: a fresh and surfy sound, consistent with the beginning
remembering the first Green Day (to be clear, before they started the
abuse of emo haircuts and eyeliner) and increasingly opposed to the
modern clean and sleek sound you hear coming from the new generation
We start then with a wonderful hat-trickSiesta Forever-Pure Surf-I’ve Forgotten To Love a great mix of melodies and
choruses, almost perfect speed to steal my attention. Then the rest of
the album continues along these lines, without ever being boring or
repetitive , alternating softer pieces like My Dad Is A Skater or the
semi-ballad She’s All Right with pieces by the more thoughtful as
the “false-cheerful” Finger On The Trigger ( Massi, I want an
explanation!). Closing bomb with aforementioned Still The Same Old
Passion (my favorite song!), My Golden Isolation (already present
in the split with the Finns Tarjas) and the festive anthem “Do not
stress it’s a mess . ” It ‘ a disc that I will continue to listen to the
bitter end and I’m sure that will not go unnoticed to all lovers of
Punk Rock Made in Italy, that the old Flower Punk Compilation made
famous even outside of the boot.
I can only advise you to procure the cd in one of a few ways. Get in
touch with the band, the labels or the Striped Punk Rock Shop: in
short, you have no excuse! TRACKLIST
01 – Siesta forever
02 – Pure surf
03 – I’ve forgotten to love
04 – Overnight sensation
05 – My dad is a skater
06 – She’s all right
07 – Finger on the trigger
08 – Another me
09 – Missing you
10 – Still the same old passion
11 – My golden isolation
12 – Don’t stress it’s a mess
Massi : Vocals – Guitars
Luca : Bass – B vocals
Mimmo : Drums
Additional players:
Loris – Bass on #10
Ale – Drums on #10
There are many bands,
especially in Italy, that for many reasons can’t reach the popularity
they deserve, either because it has never been considered a priority for
the components, either because you make mistakes along the way, or
because you don’t want to kiss the right asses, or I don’t know…
maybe it’s a mystery.
Among these bands, I have no doubt that one of them are The Chromosomes.
I don’t have the talisman that tells me why, but there is the fact that
they remain after 20 years, with the “Same Old Passion“, the beginnings
and spirit of the band led by Massi are back with a new album Yes, Trespassing that grabs you from the first listen with disarming ease. But let’s order. The album, out the last 14th October 7 years after the
last LP (in the middle a couple of 7” and a collection) , currently
only on CD, thanks to a co-production signed by Inconsapevole Records and Waterslide Records (oh yes .. you have to go to Japan to get
noticed! grrr), the beautiful design on the cover is made by Loris
ex-bassist that to celebrate the two decades of the band being together,
and the ex-drummer Ale also got involved in a reunion of the very first
line-up of The Chromosomes to record a song, Same Old Passion. Who knows The Chromosomes already knows what to expect from this new
record: a fresh and surfy sound, consistent with the beginning
remembering the first Green Day (to be clear, before they started the
abuse of emo haircuts and eyeliner) and increasingly opposed to the
modern clean and sleek sound you hear coming from the new generation
bands. We start then with a wonderful hat-trick Siesta Forever-Pure Surf-I’ve Forgotten To Love a great mix of melodies and
choruses, almost perfect speed to steal my attention. Then the rest of
the album continues along these lines, without ever being boring or
repetitive , alternating softer pieces like My Dad Is A Skater or the
semi-ballad She’s All Right with pieces by the more thoughtful as
the “false – cheerful” Finger On The Trigger ( Massi, I want an
explanation! ). Closing bomb with aforementioned Still The Same Old
Passion (my favorite song ! ), My Golden Isolation (already present
in the split with the Finns Tarjas ) and the festive anthem Do not
stress it’s a mess.
It’s a disc that I will continue to listen to the
bitter end and I’m sure that will not go unnoticed to all lovers of
Punk Rock Made in Italy, that the old Flower Punk Compilation made
famous even outside of the Boot. I can only advise you to procure the cd in one of a few ways. Get in
touch with the band, the labels or the Striped Punk Rock Shop: in
short, you have no excuse! Like this:
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