The Jasons / Black Russians – Saving Tomorrow


The Jason’s from Camp Crystal Lake, New Jersey and Black Russians from an undisclosed location in the Soviet Union are launching a pop punk Cold War. The Jasons have been around for a while now and have tons of ravenous fans all over the world, their two songs on this split will surely hit all of the right notes with those machete heads. Black Russians are a mysterious newer band that snuck under the iron curtain to release their debut full length in 2019. These dudes are heavily influenced by the Lillingtons, Black Metal and Krokodil. This split ep features 4 Punk Rock Scorchers on 5 different variants of 7” vinyl. The Cd features 2 bonus songs which sees the bands covering each other. Which side are you on?

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SKU: MY610 Categories: , Tags: , ,

Additional information

Weight0.085 kg
Dimensions15 × 15 × 3 cm

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