Boris The Sprinkler – Vespa To Venus


Vespa To Venus is THE FIRST NEW Boris the Sprinkler ALBUM IN ALMOST TWENTY YEARS! Reuniting the classic Mega Anal lineup of the band – Paul #1, Paul #2, Ric Six, and the spastic, fantastic, and strangely elastic Rev. Nørb – Vespa To Venus delivers sixteen daisy-fresh, newly-recorded, bouncy-ass punk tunes that’ll have you tapping your head and scratching your toes to the consternation of your neighbors and other sources of oppression! Ranging from standard punk ravers (“I Tell Ya! Tonight! Tonight!”) to the sublime (“My Cock’s On Drugs”) to songs embracing the fundamental stupidity of rock ‘n’ roll (“Bippy”), Vespa To Venus is certain to either restore or utterly destroy your faith in mankind. Maybe both!

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SKU: MY550 Categories: , Tags: ,

Additional information

Weight0.35 kg
Dimensions34 × 34 × 3 cm

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