Boris The Sprinkler – Group Sex


Learned on a whim and played, in its entirety, as an encore on the band’s 1999 tour, BORIS THE SPRINKLER’s take on the CIRCLE JERKS classic Group Sex album manages to shave almost two minutes off the fifteen-minute running time of the original. Originally released in 2000 as a CD-only on singer Rev. Nørb’s own Bulge Records, this is the first vinyl appearance of this spirited tribute to the World’s Most Efficient Album. Revel in the brief cyclone of whimsical discontent that is the special “We Lost All The Original Photos Over the Course of the Interceding Two Dozen Years So We Had To Make New Cover Art” edition!

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SKU: MY617 Categories: , Tags: ,

Additional information

Weight0.300 kg
Dimensions34 × 34 × 3 cm

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